The corpulent corpse of Jerry Falwell, found on the floor of his office, is symbolic of the state of the religious right.

Many pundits, reporters and bloggers referred to the "untimely death" of the preacher from Lynchburg, VA. Falwell was 73, he had a history of heart problems and he weighed over 300 pounds. It's a miracle he lived so long, when he had to lug around all that excess weight.

Falwell railed against homosexuals, abortionists and pagans, while his three chins quivered in moral indignation. Falwell eschewed preaching against the sins festering in his own congregation: Divorce, gluttony and pride.

Falwell's carcass was smartly dressed in an executive suit, but underneath the well-tailored veneer he was already decomposing. The evangelical kingdom has many megachurches, but the grandeur of the temples can't mask the waning influence of the religious right.

Falwell and Pat Robertson belong to a dying breed of evangelicals who built their empires by scapegoating homosexuals and pagans.

These old relics are being replaced by evangelicals like Rick Warren who have a postmodern sensibility. Instead of relegating gays and lesbians to hell, Warren is very involved in raising money to find a cure for AIDS.

Let's hope that emerging leaders like Warren will give a more welcoming face to the evangelical faith.

Because of Dobson, Falwell and Robertson, the culture at large has come to equate evangelicals with Neanderthal rightwing politics.

Jerry Falwell is dead, may his brand of reactionary fundamentalism be buried with him.