Monday, March 03, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Now Claims That He "Prays To Jesus Every Night"

(Barack Obama)

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. recently defended his Chicago church — part of the United Church of Christ — and sought to deflect months worth of Internet rumors that he is a Muslim.

"Here are the simple facts," Obama said. "I am a Christian. I am a devout Christian. I have been a member of the same church for 20 years. I pray to Jesus every night."


From The Skeptic's Dictionary:

Begging the question is what one does in an argument when one assumes what one claims to be proving.

An argument is a form of reasoning whereby one gives a reason or reasons in support of some claim. The reasons are called premises and the claim one tries to support with them is called the conclusion.

If one's premises entail one's conclusion, and one's premises are questionable, one is said to beg the question.

The following argument "begs the question."

We know God exists because we can see the perfect order of His Creation, an order which demonstrates supernatural intelligence in its design.

The conclusion of this argument is that God exists. The premise assumes a Creator and Designer of the universe exists, i.e., that God exists. In this argument, the arguer should not be granted the assumption that the universe exhibits intelligent design, but should be made to provide support for that claim.


The comments and claims made by Barack Obama, and quoted above, "beg us to question" if he is actually SMART enough to be President of the USA in this day and age. The facts that he is, apparently, also a graduate of both Columbia University and Harvard Law School would further "beg most reasonable people to question" if his above comments and claims simply reveal him to be neither a Muslim nor a Christian, but merely a very disingenuous, self-serving, manipulative, and opportunistic liar! Very few people who are smart enough to graduate from both Columbia University AND Harvard Law School come out of those experiences sincerely being "devout Christians" who "pray to Jesus every night," UNLESS they are politicians who hope to appeal to the less educated and more superstitious masses of the USA for their votes!

Most of the Founding Fathers of the USA clearly WERE NOT "devout Christians" who "prayed to Jesus every night" like some 10-year old child. But, of course, THEY did not have to "appeal" to the ignorant masses of the current American population for THEIR positions of power over them! We have already been through the worst Presidency in the history of the nation in George W. Bush, the stupidest, most dishonest, and most evilly black-hearted man to ever occupy the Oval Office, who ALSO claimed that HE was "a devout Christian" who frequently prayed to Jesus! Do we honestly NEED go through it all again, but this time with someone who has had EVEN LESS real experience in government than Dubya had prior to assuming the Presidency?



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