Saturday, January 19, 2008

Our Original Nikon Setup For The Business
















Now On Order:




At Saturday, January 19, 2008 6:43:00 AM, Blogger Kate & Spencer said...

What happens to the old Nikons? Will you sell them?

At Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:43:00 AM, Blogger Just Spencer said...

Will we sell the Nikon equipment? No, of course not. We have the new Nikon D3 FX camera body on order. In fact, we'd never have added the Canon line except for the prospect of their new EOS-1Ds Mark III camera body with its 21.1 mp, full-frame sensor looming on the horizon.

Granted, their EOS-1Ds Mark II camera body from 2005 had a full-frame 16.7 mp sensor, but we never saw that as a big enough difference to force of to add the second line of equipment. If it were not for the prospect of the new Mark III, we'd have just been satisfied with ordering more Nikon gear to expand.

In the world of 35mm-like, SLR, digital photography, there only are just the two brands, Nikon and Canon to consider. Sure, Olympus, Sony and Pentax now all make rather "worthy" competitors, but the total systems that are offered by both Nikon and Canon are really without par.

Each company, Nikon and Canon, has a large camp of hardcore, die-hard fans, many of whom will take every opportunity to "trash" the other company's products. But based on our experience with both brands, neither one produces MORE superior photos than the other one does. They tend to be roughly equal.

However, Canon has been pulling ahead, lately, in terms of the race to introduce the larger sizes of sensors it's pretty clear. Still, I expect that "edge" for Canon will vanish with time, and a greater parity will return to the rivalry between the two companies.

Now that Sony owns the now defunct, old, combined company of "Konica Minolta," it is not inconceivable that they may someday begin to catch up with the two leaders of the industry, but it's not for sure.

Olympus and Pentax are more minor players in the game, even though they both make some truly excellent products.

I think its pretty certain that we will not likely be expanding into any third line of equipment any time soon. This recent expansion into our second line should more than sufficiently equip, and easily satisfy any new shooters we hire in the future, regardless of their "loyalties" to a given brand.


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