Saturday, September 22, 2007

"Never complain. Never explain." -- Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn... one great Kate!

Some quotes:

"Being a housewife and a mother is the biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I would have made a terrible mother."

"Death will be a great relief. No more interviews."

"I never realized until lately that women were supposed to be the inferior sex."

"I think most of the people involved in any art always secretly wonder whether they are really there because they're good or there because they're lucky."

"If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased."

"If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun."

"If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married."

"It would be a terrific innovation if you could get your mind to stretch a little further than the next wisecrack."

"Life is hard. After all, it kills you."

"Plain women know more about men than beautiful ones do. But beautiful women don't need to know about men. It's the men who have to know about beautiful women."

"Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then."

"The average Hollywood film star's ambition is to be admired by an American, courted by an Italian, married to an Englishman and have a French boyfriend."



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