Saturday, July 30, 2005

Who needs a life when you've got "Friends"

Okay, Spencer, I am rising to the challenge. You knew I couldn't resist. I am guessing here... I would say that Lisa Kudrow is the oldest among the cast members and is 39, today. Next I would pick Jennifer Aniston or Matthew LeBlanc as the youngest. If I had to guess... which I am doing (without looking this up) I would rank them from oldest to youngest: Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, Matthew Perry, Courtney Cox Arquette, Matthew LeBlanc, Jennifer Aniston.

The order from oldest to youngest (still guessing) of the characters which is all I really care about, is as follows... Ross, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, Monica, Rachel. Really, Spencer, Friends trivia is much more fun when it is focused on the show. For example, what name appears on the label of Chandler's TV guide subscription which is accidentally delivered every day to the girls' apartment? What are the names of each of the women to whom Ross was married? With whom was Chandler unknowingly communicating online? What is Phoebe's brother Frank's favorite hobby as stated in the episode in which he first comes to visit her? What is Joey's favorite food? Why did Monica and Richard's relationship finally end? What was the name of Rachel's Italian lover?

I randomly selected little factoids that I happen to know without looking them up and I could go on forever, though I don't know as much about the actual actors in the show. I will sheepishly admit that I own all nine seasons, regularly watch the reruns on TV, and consider those six to be my "friends." It would seem I have no life of my own.

Truth be told, I think Seinfeld might be equally as great in my personal sitcom loves. (Seinfeld loves Superman and either he or George once checked out a copy of a Henry Miller book they didn't return to the library) Reality TV has pretty much ended my already slim interest in television, and I find that I simply watch reruns of old favorites or movie channels if I watch it at all. We really are doing a birthday tribute theme here... I love it. It gives one a reason to celebrate the lives of strangers, though I suspect I'd do that without the actual holiday.


At Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:19:00 AM, Blogger Just Kate said...

ANSWERS to my pointless triviafest!

Q.What name appears on the label of Chandler's TV guide subscription which is accidentally delivered every day to the girls' apartment?
A. Ms. Chanandler Bong

Q. What are the names of each of the women to whom Ross was married?
A. Carol (turned out she was lesbian)
Emily (British girl, Ross said Rachel's name at the alter)
Rachel (drunkenly married her in Vegas and avoided divorcing her because he thought "it looked bad--3 divorces")

Q. With whom was Chandler unknowingly communicating online?
A. Former girlfriend, Janice, (the one with the annoying laugh)

Q. What is Phoebe's brother Frank's favorite hobby as stated in the episode in which he first comes to visit her?
A. Burning stuff

Q. What is Joey's favorite food?
A. Sandwiches

Q. Why did Monica and Richard's relationship end?
A. He wasn't interested in having kids.

Q. What was the name of Rachel's Italian lover?
A. Paolo

(I didn't actually look any of this up... thus it is possible I may not be fully correct on these... however, I am pretty darn sure.)


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