Saturday, October 18, 2008

Or How About This One?

* But what if you *DON'T* lose in the voting? What if you actually WIN the election against that virtual carbon copy of the most unpopular U.S. President in all of history, only to ultimately get your dumbass, arrogant, fool head blown off by some psycho redneck follower of McCain's who was whipped into a rabid frenzy of hatred and bigotry by the vicious, mean-spirited speeches given at the campaign appearances of Big Bad John and Barracuda Sarah prior to the election-- in a situation of history basically repeating itself (in so MANY ways) from the JFK years-- does that make you brilliant? Does that make you a hero? Does that make you "the next JFK"? Or does that just make you and Oprah Winfrey a couple of the stupidest people on Earth?



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