Thursday, December 22, 2005

A M P L I F Y -- The Game


I invented a new game just for you, and for our use on this blog. This game is similar to the Six Degrees game, but it involves works of literature and location "place names" as well as actors and movies. Here are the instructions:



Actor..........................I post the first and last names of an actor/actress.

Movie.........................You name a movie that actor was in.

Place..........................You name a major "place setting" (city, state, or foreign country) from that movie.

Literature....................You name an unrelated work of literature set in the same place.

Identitify author............You name the author of that work of literature.

First name...................You select another actor with the same first name as that author.

You post results............You post the first and last name of that "new" actor.


The game begins with: Tea Leoni



At Thursday, December 22, 2005 12:44:00 PM, Blogger Just Kate said...

Let's see if I did this right...

A--actor--Tea Leoni
L--literatura--Like Water for Chocolate
I--identified author-- Laura Esquivel
F--first name--Laura
Y--YOUR turn -- Laura Linney

PS I wasn't sure if Mexico could count... since it was only "part" of the film's setting.....

At Thursday, December 22, 2005 4:30:00 PM, Blogger Just Spencer said...


Sure, Mexico would count, as long as at least a certain portion of the movie and subsequent book are both "set" in Mexico.

Places can include cities, any of the fifty states, or a foreign country... but not simply the "USA." It has to be either a city or a state that is cited if the movie and the subsequent work of literature are set in the USA.

Obviously, we are not supposed to use any outside resources, but only our own memories for crafting the "routes."

And the main concept is to come up, at the end of each round, with an actor or actress who is "well-known," but not all that "easy" for the other player to work with.

Someone "wins" when the other player "knows" the new actor, but cannot craft a complete route in response for whatever reason.


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