Friday, October 21, 2005

In my world... there are only two Olivias.

The Newton-John variety was first known to me by this album and her rendition of "Me and Bobby Mcgee" reached my ears before Joplin's more notable version. I always liked this album because it was released in my birth year and I had fond memories of listening to it on the record player in our guest room.... belting out the lyrics to "Let Me Be There" and "Help Me Make it Through the Night." Later when I discovered the movie Grease I was struck by the film and walked around for ages saying... "tell me about it, Stud" and singing about those "Summer Nights."

Ian Falconer's creation is fast becoming an iconic character in children's literature. A closer examination at the advance praise on the back of the first book suggests a big future and Olivia has more than fulfilled that. Her loveable antics will leave you smiling long after the book is put away.



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